Events for March 25 - November 3, 2024
Yoga Sutra Studio, Torino, Italy – September 27-29 2019
September 27-29, 2019 Yoga Sutra Studio Torino, Italy
Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, October 4-6 2019
October 4-6, 2019 Astanga Yoga Helsinki Helsinki, Finland Photo from Kadermo island in 1994 (Petri and Juha drumming)
Delight Yoga, Amsterdam / Den Haag, Netherlands – November 7-8 & 9-10 2019
The workshop will be split between two Delight Yoga Shala's; Amsterdam and Den Haag. Amsterdam workshop will be in November 7-8 2019 Den Haag workshop will be in November 9-10 2019 Welcome to practice the traditional Ashtanga method! Petri
Agni Way Yoga Shala, Lagos, Portugal, November 16-17 2019
Agni Way is a new Ashtanga Yoga and Holistic Massage shala in Lagos, South Portugal. The shala's big opening party will take place in September 15th 2019. All welcome to the beautiful Algarve region and practice Yoga.
Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, December 13-15 2019
Christmas Yoga Workshop in Helsinki with a special lectures and Christmas program. Photo from Koh Mak, Thailand in 2000 before there was electricity in the shala (Petri and Juha).
Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Finland Easter Special Workshop in April 10 – 13 2020
The Easter Special workshop has been moved to on-line. We will have a three days workshop instead of the original five day. Welcome to practice and see you at Zoom : ) The registration and schedule is up at Big hugs, Petri and Juha & Astanga Yoga Helsinki
Eddie Stern On-Line in May 16 2020
Highly recommended Led Class with Eddie Stern. The one day workshop will start On-line on the Saturday May 16th at 5am Eastern Time (US and Canada) which will be at 12pm Finnish time (UTC +3) . This was originally a four day Helsinki workshop which became a one day On-line workshop due the Covid-19 pandemia. […]