Auki Joogakoulu, Tampere, Finland August 7-9, 2020

Auki Yoga Shala is founded by some of  the "original" Tampere Ashtanga Yoga practitioners, Frank Kappas, Risto Suikkanen and Meri Tiitola with their friends. In the last year the shala […]

Purple Valley Yoga Goa, On-line workshop, August 22-23 2020

Purple Valley Yoga On-line Schedule 22-23.8.2020 Welcome for Petri's and Wambui's On-line workshop organised by Purple Valley Yoga, Goa. Here is the schedule for the two day intensive! Saturday […]

Astanga Yoga Helsinki, Finland, August 27 – 30 2020

Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Petri Räisänen and Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen Welcome to the four day Intensive workshop with Petri and Wambui. Here is the schedule of the workshop. More information and […]